List of "old friends"

I tend not to hang onto books I have already read. After all, what good is a library of books one has already read? Aside from a reference collection of art and craft books, I do have a small bookshelf of old friends that I just can't seem to part with. Some I save for sentimental reasons: they were stalward companions on a particular journey. Others just bring plain joy. While a later category introduce resonances that I cannot ignore.

Anyhow here's what's on that bookshelf

Tales from Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet
On Becoming a person by Carl Rogers
The Collected Writings of Billy the Kid by Michael Ondaatje
The Autobiography of Elaenor Roosevelt
The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K Leguin
Cathedral by Raymond Carver
The English Patient by Micheal Ondaatje
WLT: A Radio Romance by Garrison Keilor
Working by Studs Terkel
Haunted Traveler by Barry Yourgrau
A Man Jumps From an Airplane by Barry Yourgrau
Always Coming Home by Ursula K Leguin
Shapinsky's Karma, Boggs's Bills, and Other True-life Tales by Lawrence Wechsler
Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: A Life of Contemporary Artist Robert Irwin by Lawrence Wechsler
Letters of a Nation edited by Andrew Carroll
The Norton Anthology of poetry
Selected Poems by John Ashberry
Writing the Natural Way by Gabriele Rico
Latvijas Brivdabas Etnografiska Muzeja 
A Cabinetmaker's Notebook by James Krenov
The Fine Art of Cabinetmaking by James Krenov
Once Upon a Time: A Treasury of Modern Fairy Tales edited by Lester Dek Ray and Risk Kesller
The Craftsman by Richard Sennett
Elbow Room by Danniel Dennett
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Lady or the Tiger by Raymond Smullyan
Catapult by Jim Paul
Passions Within Reason by Robert H. Frank
Tomorrow Now by Bruce Sterling
Shaping Things by Bruce Sterling
Making Your Own Days by Kenneth Koch
Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman
Maus II: A Survivor's Tale: And Here My Troubles Began by Art Spiegelman
Straits by Kenneth Kocch
Anil's Ghost Micheal Ondaatje
The Varieties of Religious Experience by Wililam James
Mastery by George Leonard
The Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan
Last Places by Lawrence Millman
Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers by Leonard Koren
The Forgetting Room by Nick Bantock
The Museum at Purgatory Nick Bantock
The Elements of Style by Stunk and White
Wuthering Heights and poems by Emile Bronte
Forty Stories by Anton Checkhov
The Way of Chuang Tzu Thomas Merton
The Paradoxes of Mr Pond by GK Cesterton
The Library of Babel by Jose Luis Borges
City of Quartz by Mike Davis
The Telling by Ursula K. LeGuin
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin
Th Book of Laughter and Forgetting Milan Kundera
Little Big by Jim Crowley
A Pattern Lnaguage by Christopher Alexander
The Timeless way of building by Christopher Alexander
The Practical Cogitator by Charles P. Curtis Jr. and Ferris Greenslet
Nature and Selected Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
How To Design and Build Flying Models by Keith Laumer
The Short Stories and Poetry of Dorothy Parker
The Norton book of Personal essays
Walden and Other Writing by Henry David Thoreau
Burning Chrome by William Gibson
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
The World According to Garp by John Irving
Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen
The Universal Traveler by Don Koberg & Jim Bagnall
The Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner
The Egyptian Jukebox: A Conundrum by Nick Bantock
Angry Candy by Harlan Ellison
Deathbird stories by Harlan Ellison
The Old Man and Mr. Smith by Peter Ustinov

Last updated: Jan 2010